Whitetail Deer | Good Year for Whitetail Deer
We are having a very good start to the 2016 gun deer season. A lot of nice whitetail deer coming in. Below are a few shots from the shop. A batch of deer from Monday 11-21-16. Ready to be caped out.
Stehling's Taxidermy part of Wisconsin's hunting and fishing heritage for over 50 years!
We are having a very good start to the 2016 gun deer season. A lot of nice whitetail deer coming in. Below are a few shots from the shop. A batch of deer from Monday 11-21-16. Ready to be caped out.
Custom Whitetail Deer Taxidermy Offering the highest quality whitetail deer mounts in the business. Our over 3000 sq foot state of the art facility located in Jefferson , Wis is ready to work on your trophy whitetail deer. The trusted name in taxidermy for over 40 years! Benefits of bringing your whitetail deer to us:…
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13 birds boxed up waiting for UPS. Working on damasking and adding driftwood to the 10 being picked up tomorrow. As fast as we get them shipped out more come in.
Day two of finishing. 23 birds being finished for shipping and pickups. Took a lot of pics of yesterday’s batch. Have to go through those and will post pics soon along with these.