Nullam semper felis
Sed volutpat tellus curabitur felis dui molestie interdum pulvinar.
Stehling's Taxidermy part of Wisconsin's hunting and fishing heritage for over 50 years!
Sed volutpat tellus curabitur felis dui molestie interdum pulvinar.
Suspendisse vulputate tristique urna, nec feugiat leoged volutpat tellus.
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Hanging Dead Mount Turkey Just finished this Hanging Dead Mount Turkey on a custom base. We custom made the base and recreated the habitat to the clients specifications, based off of pictures from his hunt. Be sure to check out our turkey gallery to see finished pictures of this mount and many others Going on a turkey hunt?…
Mountain Goat Wall Pedestal Mount in Process Working on a mountain goat wall pedestal today. We custom modified the form to better fit and give the mountain goat the look the client wanted. Be sure to check out our big game gallery to see finished pictures when this mount is completed. Going on a Mountain…